IDECO Heavy Equipment kft
Szabadság utca 75
7918 Tótújfalu
+36 70 522 1235
Engineering Company
Steel Industry
Material Handling
Minerals & Mining
IDECO Mining and Metallurgy Inc.
Str. Depoului, nr. 16
Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova
100335 Romania
+40 75 368 2658
MECCANICA CENTER can manufacture and supply pulleys, from diam. 250 to diam. 2000, designed and manufactured to meet the customer’s requirements.
the pulley can be supplied bare or assembled complete with bearing.
To complete the range the product is offered in two specific types:
Forged pulleys: complying to uNI EN 10250-3 in heat-treated 42CrMo4,
engineered in accordance with DIN 15061, -
Welded pulley: a very light product, especially on larger diameters,
engineered in compliance with DIN 15061.
At the end of the heat-treatment session, one of the following non-destructive tests must be carried out:
100% Pt test on the tread;
100% Mt test on the tread.